If I sent this photo to my ex, he would tell me to shave before I came over. Take me as I am? :(

If I sent this photo to my ex, he would tell me to shave before I came over. Take me as I am? :(

36 6
  • Anonymous: du bist wunderschön so wie du bist...
    1 rok temu 5 polubień
  • Anonymous: oui
    1 rok temu 5 polubień
  • Perlentaucher: Finde Du hast ne geile Praline. Sieht so viel weiblicher aus
    1 rok temu 5 polubień
  • beef: i agree with you 100%. the only thing i tell you is to keep up with the maintnance
    1 rok temu 3 polubień
  • Vince Whirlwind: Yes. If it's not bushy, it's not pussy.
    1 rok temu 2 polubień
  • Hoschi: Mach ich gern und sofort
    6 miesięcy temu 1 polubień