High-pitch orgasm

'pomóż mi dojść, mamo' - pasierb wziął viagrę, więc mama musi zrobić loda

8 min 1080p 1.5m wyświetlenia

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2.2k 579
Wziąłem jedną z tabletek taty i teraz mam bonera. Moja macocha przyłapała mnie na masturbacji i teraz próbuje zrobić mi loda, żebym mógł dojść. Ale to nie pomogło, więc musiałem zerżnąć duży tyłek mojej macochy, aby pozbyć się bonera. @medusiform
Uwagi (2)
  • Mr Horny: I’m in my fifties my widowed step mum, she’s in her early seventies, we had sex for the first time, in Xmas Eve 2024, we made each other cum a few times! We’ve never regretted that first time. I visit her at least four times a week spending a good few hours at my step mum’s, each visit! Which gives us time to go to bed while we make passionate Love, for a couple of hours. After we’ve sexually satisfied ourselves, we’ll stay in bed resting I’ll be holding her she’ll have her head on my chest gently stroking me, saying! “Why didn’t we start our long term sexual relationship sooner, I gently tell her, it had to start at some time, and I’m more than grateful it started on Xmas Eve. And that if she needs me to visit more, all she has to do is ask me, that moment she cheekily said you need to visit me more! We’ve a lot of lost time to make up. I’ll give her a hug and kiss her! She’ll lay her head back on me, I visit her every day Now.
    2 miesięcy temu 1 polubień
  • Anonymous: Nice
    1 rok temu 2 polubień